Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Week!

New Children's Day Out Welcome Area!

It's the FIRST WEEK OF CHILDREN'S DAY OUT!  What a great time we've had this week!  New faces, familiar faces, it's all been a BLESSING!  

This year we have a certified teacher on staff planning the curriculum for the entire CDO crew!  Ms. Meredith has done a great job teaching this week's theme "All About Me".  We learned about the Letter "A", the Number "1", the Color "Red", and  "Circle" is our Shape of the week!  

Our Scripture for the week was "Your word is a lamp for my feet." Psalm 119:105.  We've been talking each day this week about the BIBLE!  The kids have done great discovering treasures inside the Bible and today followed a treasure map found by Ms. Erica!  

We're loving the BRAND NEW PLAYGROUND and we're so thankful for the new addition to Children's Day Out!  
Fiona enjoying the NEW swings!

CDO Families, we're so grateful to have the privilege to spend each week with your precious kiddos!  I'll be in touch next week to let you in on what's going on at Children's Day Out!
We had 2 birthdays this week!  Happy Birthday Hadley and Kirtley!

It's a BLESSING to be your CHILDREN'S DAY OUT Director!
Ms. Erica


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