Thursday, August 23, 2012

2nd Week...Just as Neat!

So, the 2nd week of Children's Day Out was just as great as the first...even better! We had a great theme of "Feelings".  We painted while listening to music to express our feelings and had other activities to learn all about our many emotions.  Our teaching themes this week were the letter "B", the number "2", the color "green" and the shape of the week was an "oval". The kids are adjusting so well to "circle time" and sitting better and better each day.

We enjoyed playing with the parachute this week as a couple of days seemed a bit too hot for playground play. Of course, I dont have pictures of this because I was too busy joining in the fun!  The kids loved "Mr. Parachute" and the fun games that we enjoyed with it.  

The kids have loved being Handy Helpers and seem to enjoy being "weather watcher" the most! 

They love being helpers and never have to be asked twice to complete their task.  Why is this never the case at home??? Ha! 
Again, thanks CDO families for allowing us to spend a little time with your precious ones each week!
It's a BLESSING to be your Children's Day Out Director!
Erica Houston

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