Monday, June 11, 2012

Children's Day Out Play Date in the Park

How handsome is that hat?!?
Enjoying the Big Kids Swing!
What a fun Play Date we had!  Over 30 Children's Day Out parents and kiddos showed up at Moreland Park on May 31st for a morning of fun!  Play dates are a must during the summer months.  For my little gals, age 3 and 1, summer consists of no routines!  And no routines = moody girls!  Play dates always break up those crazy moods and provide us tons to talk about just leading up to the event!

Having a blast getting dirty!

Mark your calendars for our next Play Date on June 19th (Destination TBD) and July 10th "Charlotte's Web" $2 movie at Malco!
This week the CDO Board and I will be painting the PreK, office and welcome center!  The floors are also getting a little spruce up!  Hope you are as excited about all the updates.  By the way, have you driven down Griffith Ave lately and seen all the commotion at the playground area?  The BRAND NEW playground is well underway!  I'll post updates on all the excitement soon!
So, until next time...It's a blessing to be your CDO Director!
-Erica Houston- 

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