Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Another FUN Play Date!

Once again, Children's Day Out hosted a Play Date!  Last week, we played at the spray park at Panther Creek Park.  I cannot express how great this spray park is for those with young kids.  Let me name just a few reasons...

  • 1.)  Small Crowds!  For most of the time, Children's Day Out kiddos were the only ones playing in the spray park.
  • 2.)  Bathrooms nearby!  Bathrooms were just steps away from the spray park!  (...for all those parents in the middle of potty training or dealing with potty trained kiddos who sometimes forget to stop playing to take time to go potty!!!)
  • 3.)  Small child-friendly equipment!  The picture above shows the gals on the cutest turtle that sprayed water.  They LOVED it!  My 12 month old was even quite in love with this turtle. 
  • 4.)  Parking lot steps away from the Spray Park!  I was able to park so close and quickly move my soaking wet kiddos to the vehicle to change into dry clothes for the ride home.   
  • 5.)  Covered picnic area right beside spray park!  Parents can sit on picnic tables inches away from the spray area to watch their children.  Especially GREAT if you have newborns.  You and your little one can sit in the shade while your toddler or Preschooler can enjoy the water!
As you can tell...WE'LL HAVE TO GO BACK TO PANTHER CREEK PARK!  It's a little out of the way, but well worth the drive for all those perks!  For families with young children, the Spray Park is GREAT at Panther Creek!  

It's a blessing to be your Children's Day Out Director!
God bless!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Hello, Children's Day Out Families!  I want to remind you of our Play Date on Tuesday, June 19th.  We will be enjoying the PANTHER CREEK SPRAY PARK.  (Please let me know if you need directions)  We will now be playing from 9am til 10:30 to avoid the heat (and the crowds).  Remember to bring some water for your child/children and plenty of sunscreen.  Oh, and of course bathing suits!  I look forward to seeing each of you TOMORROW!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Children's Day Out Play Date in the Park

How handsome is that hat?!?
Enjoying the Big Kids Swing!
What a fun Play Date we had!  Over 30 Children's Day Out parents and kiddos showed up at Moreland Park on May 31st for a morning of fun!  Play dates are a must during the summer months.  For my little gals, age 3 and 1, summer consists of no routines!  And no routines = moody girls!  Play dates always break up those crazy moods and provide us tons to talk about just leading up to the event!

Having a blast getting dirty!

Mark your calendars for our next Play Date on June 19th (Destination TBD) and July 10th "Charlotte's Web" $2 movie at Malco!
This week the CDO Board and I will be painting the PreK, office and welcome center!  The floors are also getting a little spruce up!  Hope you are as excited about all the updates.  By the way, have you driven down Griffith Ave lately and seen all the commotion at the playground area?  The BRAND NEW playground is well underway!  I'll post updates on all the excitement soon!
So, until next time...It's a blessing to be your CDO Director!
-Erica Houston- 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Welcome to the Children's Day Out blog!  We're so happy that you've joined us!  Check back, often, for all the exciting updates!