Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Welcome Mindy, Our Guest Blogger!

The following Blog entry was contributed by a dear friend named Mindy Brown. 
I am so pleased to share that she will be a Monthly Contributer to the Children's
Day Out Blog!  We will be BLESSED with her monthly contributions of wisdom, faith, 
and humor!  

I would encourage each of you to follow Mindy and learn all about her on her

the monotony of motherhood

If you've ever taken the time to read the back of a shampoo bottle, 
you'll see these words...wash, rinse, repeat.

Some days, as a mother, I feel this way. But mine would look more 
like this...clean, feed, repeat.

My days are {generally} filled with sippy cups, diapers, snacks, squinkies
crumbs, and dishes. And let's not even discuss the amount of laundry 
my sweet family of 5 can produce!

The truth is that motherhood can begin to feel monotonous when day after
 day, week after week, you are consumed with needy people under 4 feet
 tall. Let's face it - young children are very dependent and need us for every
thing...from wiping their nose (and other things!) to fixing their lunch to 
picking out their clothes.

Having babies forces you to stare your selfishness in the face! I didn't 
realize how stingy I was with my time, my sleep and my privacy until
 it was abducted by my munchkins.

But here's the reality of biblical mommy-hood...we have the privilege of 
not just teaching our kids the gospel, but actually living out the gospel
 to our babies every single day!

We can demonstrate God's grace to them by loving them when they're 
unlovable and by being patient with them when we're at our wits end! 
We can be "slow to anger" and "quick to listen."

we. can. be. the. Gospel.

And that is a privilege that I wouldn't forfeit for anything in this world - 
no job, no amount of money or luxuries could compare to the joy of 
being the gospel to my children every day!

Rachel Jankovic on her blog ( says...
Is motherhood a rock-bottom job for those who can’t do more,
 or those who are satisfied with drudgery? If so, what were we thinking?

Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children
 because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can 

squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.

You represent everything that our culture hates, because you represent

laying down your life for another—and laying down your life for another
 represents the gospel.

We should run to to the cross. To death. So lay down your hopes.

Lay down your future. Lay down your petty annoyances. Lay down your

desire to be recognized. Lay down your fussiness at your children.

Lay down your perfectly clean house. Lay down your grievances about

the life you are living. Lay down the imaginary life you could have had

by yourself. Let it go.

So the next time I step in an unknown liquid substance on the floor, or read that
 book for the 5th time in a day, or unload yet another round of clean dishes, or trip
 on another matchbox car, I pray that God will pour out His grace to me so that, 
even through the monotony, I can pour out that grace to my kiddos!
Thank you, Mindy Brown!  What a great example you are to 
us moms!  As always, it's a BLESSING to be your 
Children's Day Out Director!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Join us for a Play Date at the NEW Playground!


Please join us next Thursday as we let the kids try out the new Children's Day Out playground!  Let's get together and have a Play Date at 10am to show off the new "toy" to the kids!  The rubber flooring was completed on Tuesday and its ready for some play time!  It's GORGEOUS!  I'm so grateful to First Presbyterian Church for making  such an incredible investment for OUR kids!  I look forward to seeing each  of you then!

Here's an updated pic of the Playground with the BEAUTIFUL new rubber flooring.  So Fancy!

It's a BLESSING to be your Children's Day Out Director,
Erica Houston

Monday, July 9, 2012

Movie @ Malco Tuesday!

I hope each of you had a Happy 4th of July!

Finally, the weather seems to have given us a bit of relief from the heat and it's time for our INDOOR Play Date! Ha! Please join us tomorrow, July 10th 10am, for "Charlotte's Web" at Malco Movie Theater!  Hope to see each of you there!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

NEW Playground is almost done!

Man, that was quick!  It seems like such a short time ago that we got word that First Presbyterian Church had approved the purchase and installation of a BRAND NEW Playground!  Wow, that day is already here!!!  Several gentlemen have been working hard this week on pouring new sidewalks, installing a new fence and the new Play Ground Equipment and swings!  It's BEAUTIFUL!  Our kids will be overjoyed to see the new "toy" just for them!

(The playground will be completed as soon as the weather cools enough for the rubber flooring to be installed.  Sadly, that may be a while longer.)